Barbel Rods Bath

Peregrine Rod Quality

Peregrine rods are built to exacting standards of craftsmanship our rods are not made to just cast a given line weight, we make them with specific angling situations in mind and select materials most suitable.

Each of our range is different, we do not use the same blank type throughout we choose the best available for the particular rod and its' intended use to ensure optimum performance.

Our rods are different from the norm. They are made by a small team of fishing rod makers who know their stuff. Call us to discuss your requirements - you will be pleasantly surprised.

We can also build on any of the blanks from the Harrisons Rods range. Please call for details.

Barbel Rods Bath

Barbel Rods Bath

Peregrine Specialist Floodwater Barbel
Rod Mk II - 11'9" 2 Piece

This rod is as specialized as they get, for Big River Floods, and has no test curve figure. The rod has been further developed and supersedes the original, which itself was an exciting new development in rod technology.

This rod has a soft but very sensitive tip, the thinking behind a softer tip is that it allows debris to build up on the line without the lead being dragged out of position. The rest of the rod has enough power to cast 8 ounces.

This rod has a full cork handle and is fitted with a Fuji 18mm DPS Black reel seat. We use Fuji BSVOG three legged rings as standard, also fitted with hook keeper, and classy Wye Button to the butt of the rod. Rods are generally tied with black thread with a hint of gold here and there.

In addition to the above we can incorporate any changes that you may prefer, within reason of course.

£330  (+£25 p&p - 24 hour delivery)

Barbel Rods Bath
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Barbel Rods Bath

Above : Matt Brown with a 13lb 10oz Barbel from the lower Trent, caught using
a Peregrine Floodwater Barbel Rod.

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